Saturday, May 4, 2019

Reflecting on Media Law and Literacy Class.

I enjoyed this class because I like to speak my mind on various subjects. It also has helped me to learn about what is happening in the news. I try to watch the news and read articles when I can, but this class helped me take an even deeper look at current events. I also learned a lot about things that I have never even though of before. There were many controversial topics that were discussed in class which I found to be very interesting. As someone who spends a lot of time looking at conspiracy theories on YouTube, it was fun for me to find out a little more about the government and what happens behind the scenes.

I haven't had much history with blogging. Back in middle school my mom introduced me to a website called 750 words. It is similar to a journal and I was encouraged to write 750 words everyday about anything I wanted to.  Back then I would write about my experiences in middle school about my friends and people who were more like bullies to me. I would also come up with characters and write stories. It was a lot of fun. I also had a Tumblr back in my freshman and sophomore year in high school.

On my blog I would write about whatever interest me. Sometimes I found it to be challenging to find something interesting to write about. One of my best blog post is the one where I reported on diversity at High Point University, the school that I attend. I also wrote about Echo Chambers in the media. A somewhat odd post I made was one on ASMR videos.

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