Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Reacting to Class Presentations

In my Media Law and Literacy class we had presentations where each person's goal was to educate the class on a certain topic. Categories of these topics were awareness, mediasphere, theories, and policies. One of the topics that wasn't the one I chose but still stood out to me was Five Eyes. This topic was under the awareness category. "The Five Eyes brings the UK, the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand into the world’s most complete and comprehensive intelligence alliance." source

These are all English speaking countries, which is one of the reasons they banded together. In the presentation my classmate mentioned that the Five Eyes alliance keeps an eye on activities . The purpose is to maintain safety within the countries by monitoring activities to prevent cyber attacks and other issues. Even so, the fact that the government is watching all the activity of it's citizens so closely may be scary to some, but in a way it is necessary.

All the topics in the presentations were quite interesting. I also thought the one about Spiral of Silence theory was intriguing. The topic I chose was Echo Chambers which you can find on this blog in a previous post.

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