Friday, April 26, 2019

A Celebration of Diversity at HPU

High Point University held an International Festival on Apr. 14, 2019. This is one of many successful efforts to emphasize diversity on campus.

Global Education
Global Education at High Point University upholds the mission of the University, that is to deliver educational experiences that enlighten, challenge, and prepare students to lead lives of significance in complex global communities.
There are many opportunities provided by the Global Education Department for students to study abroad, and immerse themselves in the culture of a different country. Studying abroad can give students a new global perspective that they haven't thought of before.
The Global Education Department also provides many other programs such as on campus activities like the International Festival. There are also clubs and organizations such as the Global Student Association, Global Education Mentors, and Phi Beta Delta.
The Phi Beta Delta website can be found here: Phi Beta Delta
For more information about High Point University's Global Education and events being held visit this link: Global Education

The Importance of Diversity on Campus
It is very important to emphasize diversity on any college campus.
Shining a light on diversity helps students from different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, religions, and sexual orientations feel included.
 It is almost certain that no student wants to feel isolated on a college campus because they are different and has a hard time relating to the majority. 
Sadly feelings of isolation are very common on college campuses. In fact, In a 2017 survey of nearly 48,000 college students, 64% said they had felt “very lonely” in the previous 12 months, while only 19% reported they never felt lonely. For more information on these statistics visit: Campus Loneliness
Focusing on diversity also helps to educate those on cultures outside their own.
High Point Universities Global Education helps tremendously to combat exclusiveness and promote inclusiveness of all students.

International Festival at HPU
High Point University's Global Education Department held an International Festival on Apr. 14, 2018. This was a festival that provided a fun way for attendants to learn about the culture of different countries. 
During my time at the festival I was amazed that there was a variety of different foods from around the world at each table. I saw pizza at the Italy table, chicken feet and tea at the China table, and so much more! 
There was also lots of information and even entertaining performances by a mariachi band, a Saudi Arabian Dance group and a few others.
This was an effective effort by the Global Education Department to provide a culturally-immersive event. It drew a large crowd and was overall a success. 
Here is a video of the International Festival including an interview by Jeff Palis, the Director of Global Education:

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