Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The Effect of Echo Chambers on Society

Imagine an environment where only similar ideas are accepted. Any idea that is out of the ordinary within this environment is ignored, even ones that could potentially make a positive change. That is exactly what you're getting with an Echo Chamber. An Echo Chamber is something I haven't heard of before until I researched it. According to the Cambridge Dictionary an Echo Chamber is, "a situation in which people only hear opinions of one type, or opinions that are similar to their own". The term is a metaphor that implies a "chamber" full of similar ideas and beliefs that just seem to "echo".

In some ways an Echo Chamber can be a good thing. A group focusing on one idea or one belief could potentially develop that idea or belief into something greater. For example, there could be a group of people sharing the same ideas who come together as an effort to improve poverty. There similar ideas and beliefs may be beneficial to them in this situation. However if no new ideas are presented how will a situation progress?

Overall I don't believe that Echo Chambers are very good for society.  In fact, I believe that Echo Chambers can cause a stagnation of society. If it weren't for people neglecting new ideas in a situation maybe we'd have flying cars by now, or just a slightly more advanced society. Not saying our modern day society is not advanced, I see new technology on news articles and social media almost everyday. What I am trying to get at is that our society could be progressing more if it weren't for these Echo Chambers. Society could also progress more not just with technology, but also when it comes to accepting people who are of various races, backgrounds, religions, and sexual identities.

For more information on Echo Chambers check out these links:

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