Thursday, April 4, 2019

Online Presence on Social Media

Social Media sites such as Facebook and Instagram have become an enormous part of the lives of most people in America. Nearly everyone you see in public will glance down at there phones to scroll through social media at least once. It is a source of entertainment, a way to connect with family and friends, and is even used for business purposes. All of these social media sites however, tend to require a person to put out quite a bit of information about themselves for others to see.

I am quite active in the social media world. I have Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and Linkedin accounts. For each of these social media websites I put a certain amount of information into the system. At first glance on any of my social media profiles even if they're private, you can find my name, my picture, and perhaps some of my interest. I don't see much of an issue with putting myself out there, mainly because I never share too much. Some people feel the opposite and don't really trust these sites with their information. It makes sense for them to feel this way and here's why:

It turns out social media websites gather information from cookies. They use this information to find advertisements that pertain to that information. There have also been incidents where people's personal information was leaked. An example of such an incident occurred recently with Facebook leaking hundreds of millions of peoples information. You can find more information on that incident on this article: Link. Are you for or against social media?

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