Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Most Important Value of Free Expression

Today in class we discussed the eight values of free expression. These values are: Discovery of Truth, Participation in Self-Government, Stable Change, Individual Self-Fulfillment, Check on Governmental Power, Promote Tolerance, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent.  

The most important value of free expression in my opinion is its promotion of innovation. Without innovation how can a society progress? To put the answer simply, it wont. When free speech is protected a community is likely to be more energized and creative. When a community is more innovative, then as a result, you see more new ideas and new inventions. Imaging how boring the world would be without free speech. I believe that society would be at a stand-still without it. Luckily in America there is freedom of speech which of course leads to innovation.

So what would be an example of freedom of speech leading to innovation? Well lets say there was a rule that didn't allow wheelchairs in a certain area. So someone speaks out on this issue saying that it is unfair to the disabled. Then a group of people come together to protest this rule until changes are made. Now the issue is resolved and the needs of disabled people are met. Without the ability to speak out change would not be able to take place in a community.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Supreme Court Lesson in Class

On Thursday in Media Law and Literacy class we discussed the Supreme Court. We talked about all the levels of the court system as well: District Court as the first level, Appellate Court, and Supreme Court at the top. I think that the appearance of the Supreme Court building is really cool. In class we pointed out the fact that it is made of lots of marble as shown below. I remember visiting here back in 2009 with the Girl Scouts.I don’t think that we went inside the Supreme Court, but I do remember going inside the Library of Congress. 

The Supreme Court. Digital Image. ThoughtColink
Then in class that day we watched a video about the Supreme Court. In this video were people who worked as attorneys who gave their views on the Supreme Court in general. They discussed the process of the various cases. One thing that stood out to me was the fact that out of like a thousand appeals only a small fraction of them will get a trail in the Supreme Court. Many cases our of course rejected. I found the video to be a very informative and an interesting inside look at the Supreme Court.